《彈撥搖滾》是由作曲家另一首琵琶獨奏作品《搖滾琵琶 - FIGHT!》改編成的琵琶、中阮及大阮三重奏。新型冠狀病毒那「無處不在」的特性令作曲家聯想到琵琶著名的武曲——「十面埋伏」。但是,在這場「戰疫」中既不用古代的長矛馬匹,也不用現代的船堅炮利,而是需要眾人的警覺性、堅定的意志和充足的防疫裝備,所以作曲家由《十面埋伏》的開頭轉到現代搖滾風格的音樂裡,以激昂的搖滾風振奮眾人,帶領大家去對抗這些病毒。另外,作曲家將搖滾樂中的結他技巧,如低音結他的「Popping」技巧、鋼線結他的悶音技巧(Ghost note)和敲擊效果,藍調的旋律元素和放克 (Funk) 與森巴 (Samba) 的節奏等不同的流行音樂語言結合,希望融合一種耳目一新的聲音。
“Tan-tiao Rock” is the trio arrangement for pipa, zhongruan and daruan of a solo pipa music - “Rock Pipa – FIGHT!” of the composer.
The ubiquitous nature of COVID-19 reminds me of a famous pipa piece in the martial category, Ambush from All Sides. Neither spears, horses used in ancient wars, nor ships, guns used in modern effectively fight this ‘pandemic war’. It requires vigilance and mental toughness from all of us and a sufficient supply of protective gear. Therefore, after opening with the first phrases of Ambush, the music moves into the rock and roll pop content to uplift and lead everyone to fight the virus.
In an attempt to offer a refreshing sound, I combine different pop music languages and techniques, such as ‘popping’ on the bass guitar; ghost-notes and percussion effects on the steel guitar; melodic phrases from blues music; and rhythmic elements from funk and samba.