梅子黄时日日晴,小溪泛尽却山行。 绿阴不减来时路,添得黄鹂四五声。 诗中描写的是初夏时宁静的景色与诗人愉快的心情。一次逛灯会,一家人其乐融融,怡然自得。作者心情正如诗人所透出的,恣意,快活!此曲融入衢州民歌曲调特点,意图描绘出江浙地带明朗快活的旋律。
hen the Plum was mature, it is always sunny. The creek flows to the far-off, then the mountain path emerges. The green and shade stretches as vast as it along the coming road. Accompanying on the way, the oriole sings from time to time.
The poem depicts the tranquil scenery in early summer and the happy mood of the poet. Once the whole family gose and saw the festive lanterns,felt so enjoyable.The author's mood is like the poet's uninhibited and happy! This tune is integrated into the tune of Quzhou folk songs and is intended to depict the bright and lively melody of is intended to depict the bright and happy melody of southern China.
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2025-03-11 15:01